IMHO: The framing employed in ‘government overreach anti-mask’ divisive politics is disingenuous, dangerous and counterproductive. No one is taking away your ‘freedoms’ (however that word is being defined by the particular rabble rouser or agitated citizen).
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
Put the blame where it actually belongs: The Virus, Covid19,
and it’s variant mutations have achieved global pandemic status due to
carelessness, hubris, incompetence, ignorance, arrogance, greed, mammon worship, and just
plain stupidity. Covid19 has forced change in our personal public behaviors and interactions; here AND worldwide along with an ever increasing death toll.
If you are infected your cells are enslaved by the virus! Sickened
or symptom free, you are spreading it around by the act of breathing, speaking,
singing, yelling or any other form of opening your mouth and expelling air –
it’s part of the virus life cycle and amounts to a unwitting random area wide physical
assault or worse, deliberate reckless endangerment and wanton
Pathogens do not care about your race, sex, color, creed,
beliefs, politics, or what you think. Disease thrives and multiplies in poverty, depravity, and
ignorance. “We” are virus food and the RNA target for cellular enslavement
transforming us into reproduction factories replicating covid (or notavirus, or rotovirus, or Influenza, or God-Only-Knows) to infect anyone
else unfortunate enough to cross our path. Virus is evolutionary, the Original Gangster posing the question: is this really alive or just a complex replicating organic molecule?, Virus do what virus gonna do. It is up to human beings to accommodate the Virus; an invisible predator whose sole purpose is to use you as virus kibble, home, and nursery.
doesn't matter if you like it or not: distancing, controlling physical
contact, personal airspace, and administrating vaccinations is the currant physical reality. There's only so many tricks in our pathogens threat response kit - we're not to isolation compounds and colonies - yet.
That is who, what, where, when, why and how societies governing structures are being forced to curtail your ability to be exploited by a virus allowing it to spread unchecked throughout the population. A mask is not a burka, it’s not a costume, not a disguise or a symbol. Mask's are not perfect, certainly not infallible but they are the only inexpensive preventative measure proven by centuries of actual use by professionals and refined by peer reviewed science, scalable to be distributed and used by the majority of the population.