Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Progressives don't hate the fact the stock market is up and the economy is improving.

 Progressives "hate that" (0+ / 0-)
wrong! it is the systemic problems underneath that have not been addressed. The financial derivatives: black holes that are not subject to disclosure. The failures to maintain chain of custody on property deeds, the falsified notaries, and deceitful discovery behind the foreclosure crises. The failure to hold the credit ratings agencies accountable.
Never mind jailed: less then a handful and none of the principles were even indited for blowing up the worlds economy with financial explosive devices of market destruction.
High speed tax free computer autonomic stock trading, Credit default swaps and offshore tax havens are not available or part of reality for the 90%.
It is "Gotcha"Capitalism that has progressives as myself so riled. We can't seem to make money in this society ethos just by providing a service or product: No; we've got to trick you! Tripwire penalties and punishing fees for ordinary consumers. Late a day? Too Bad! If you can't buy out the competition, crush them! The only rule is "don't get caught".
As my mothers Trust Officer candidly conceded: "We don't know what AAA means; we know what it's suppose to mean, we know what they say it means, but we can only trust that which we can do our own do diligence".
And speaking of 'Trusts', that constant 1% Treasury rate has pretty much destroyed mom's money. The trust can't engage in stock speculation so as the interest rate declined below her standard of living so did her standard decline AND the principle shrinks. Social Security will be all that's left after this next year.
Everything costs more (the consumer price index is a statistical lie); the financial chickens of the Afghanistan / Iraq military adventurism coupled with tax cuts are coming home to roost. To my knowledge never in history has a nation gone to war, borrowed the money from foreign 3rd parties AND then cut taxes on the wealthy!
There is no compartmentalization in the US financial industry: To many shopping centers without customers, to many office buildings without leasers, and too many housing additions with the owners either foreclosed, underwater, or not even sold. The worst offensives are not even illegal: congress and the mantra of "deregulation" saw to that!
It's the final market correction and world wide reckoning that has me worried. It's the underlying soundness of the Insurance industries reserves (what ever happened t those S&L TARP properties: the Penn square $6M weed encrusted lot is still a $600K weed encrusted lotin eyesight of the OKC capital building).
I question the fundamental soundness of the worlds economy and the United States in particular. The best prediction I have seen is a more complete collapse somewhere around 2015-2016 (dependent on any corrective measure being introduced). It would be interesting to see how this turns out 2 generations from now.

Monday, September 08, 2014


It is absolute bovine manure that every immigrant takes a job from a US citizen. It is beyond asinine to purport that 57,000 (500,000 or even 5,000,000) refugee children represent a threat or burden to this once great nation. It certainly isn't Christian to meet refugees (children at that!) with derogatory signs, hate speech and naked fear mongering!

The immigrant serves as the strawman argument of diversionary propaganda that hides the loss of our jobs by the neo-liberal financial theory exemplified by GATT's,NAFTA, CAFTA and other so called "free trade" agreements. These "trade" agreements have arguably done as great or greater economical damage to the countries of Central and Southern American as well as our immediate neighbor Mexico then our own self inflicted wounds and certainly have exacerbated the situation in these countries along with our overt and covert political meddling.

Capitalism (free movement of capital) monetary policy is conflated with the Free Enterprise system that this country was based on. In light of the perversion of economic policy from the original capital as quantified in Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations, by the financial interests that have devalued our currency and the institutions of our society, we can hardly even call ourselves capitalistic.

Democracy (or Federalism if you will) does not equate with capitalism; the two often are mutually exclusive. Government cannot be run as a business; the goals and outcomes of the two are not the same.

Despite the musings of the Mises institute; There is no such thing as a "free market" or "Free trade": they are ideals (like Aristotle's crystal spheres or Platos perfect mirror world).

We are a nation of immigrants; the ant-immigrant meme serves to pit "us against them" while the banksters and those who hide in the shadows wielding the true power laugh all the way to the bank.